You probably know a lot of people who have diabetes. They were either born with the traits that cause the disease or developed it later in life. Both types are treatable and can be controlled to improve the quality of life for anyone who has this disease. If you think you might have symptoms, call the office nearest you or schedule an appointment online. All it takes is a quick office visit to NY Family Docs.
Diabetes Q & A
What is diabetes?
People with diabetes can’t properly convert the sugar in their blood to energy. When you eat, your body moves sugar into your bloodstream to serve as a source of energy. A hormone called insulin converts that blood sugar, also called blood glucose, into energy for your cells. It’s a basic function that you don’t notice when everything is working right.
But diabetes prevents the conversion of glucose to energy.
As a result, sugar builds up in the bloodstream.
This can lead to a number of symptoms, including:
- Sores that are slow to heal
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Increased hunger and thirst
- Increased urination
- Blurred vision
- Increased susceptibility to infections
When you notice any of those symptoms, it is time for a visit to the doctor’s office.

If diabetes is not controlled
it can have devastating effects such as:


Numbness in your hands and feet

Nerve damage (neuropathy)

Kidney damage requiring dialysis

Increased risk of heart disease


What are the main types of diabetes?
Type 1 diabetes
For people with Type 1 diabetes, the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks insulin-producing cells. As a result, there isn’t enough insulin to convert blood glucose to energy.
Type 1 diabetes is usually diagnosed before a person reaches adulthood.
Type 2 diabetes
The more common type of diabetes, Type 2, usually develops later in life. Over time, the body’s cells can become resistant to insulin. Your body tries to create more insulin to produce enough blood glucose, but it’s unable to make enough to keep you healthy.
You can also be diagnosed with prediabetes. This means your blood sugar levels are high but have not yet reached the diabetic level.
How is diabetes treated?
Diabetes is very treatable. In addition to prescribing you more insulin, a healthcare provider will discuss ways to live a healthy lifestyle. At NY Family Docs, we can design a diabetes management program for you, with one-on-one coaching, to support and guide you.
Yes, your plan will involve a healthy diet and regular exercise. But you may also need medications and daily checking of your insulin levels. We will be by your side to help you keep your blood sugar levels as low as possible. In that way, you can avoid the advanced stages of diabetes for as long as possible.
To find the best treatment plan for you, call the nearest neighborhood office or schedule an appointment online.