When you drive a car enough miles, it’s a good idea to change the oil. Like cars, we need to check our healthcare vitals with annual checkups to ensure that all of our levels are good and things like blood pressure is not too high or too low. You should do this at least once a year for yourself and your loved ones. Getting an annual checkup with the doctor is a lot like changing the car’s oil. A quick doctor visit can address any health issues that may have gone unnoticed and keep you worry-free for another year. Getting an annual checkup is easy at any of the ten NY Family Docs neighborhood offices throughout Brooklyn and Queens. To schedule a checkup, call the office nearest you or schedule an appointment online.
Annual Checkup
Q & A
Who needs an annual checkup?
Everyone should visit the doctor’s office once a year. Even if you brag about being in top health, a yearly appointment with the doctor helps you maintain that good condition. And it also allows you to ask questions about anything on your mind. Make sure the healthcare provider checks everything you think might be wrong – even the little things.

The doctor will also be looking for little things that might turn into big things. During your appointment, you’ll be screened for a wide variety of health conditions.
With regular screenings, you ensure that any potential health concerns are caught early. It’s a lot easier to treat a little problem before it becomes a big problem. And any treatment will be much less invasive, too: Fewer needles and pills, less probing and a reduced number of visits back to the doctor.
What should I expect during an annual checkup?
A checkup is all about you. Your NY Family Docs practitioner customizes the physical exam to your personal and family health history, your current health, and your preferences.
Your annual checkup also presents an opportunity for you to address any health concerns. You ask questions, we provide answers.
In addition to this personal health consultation, your checkup can include:

Blood work, taken in our offices

A check of pulse, temperature and blood pressure

A heart exam (via stethoscope)

A lung exam (via stethoscope)

Screening for a wide range of physical diseases that you probably don’t have, but it’s good to make sure

Screening for mental health concerns, including depression and addiction

Why does an annual checkup include mental health screenings?
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health and mental health concerns deserve the same level of care and treatment as illness in your physical body.
Yet, many people are nervous about addressing their mental health needs. Our healthcare professionals ask all kinds of questions to look for signs of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and other conditions.
Be honest when you answer. That’s how you start to feel better and living your healthiest life.