NY Family Docs - COVID-19 Policies and Procedures
We are pleased to announce that all locations at NY Family Docs are now open for in-office appointments. We are proud to have been one of the first medical practices in the both Queens and Brooklyn to adopt strict COVID-19 safety protocols. Please know that we have been taking extraordinary measures over the past several months to prepare our offices to ensure the safest environment for our patients and staff.

Some of these changes include:
- Prescreening all patients by phone for COVID-19 symptoms before making their in-office appointments and on the day of their appointment.
- Performing contactless temperature screening for all staff and patients who enter the office.
- Requiring all patients to bring and wear a face mask.
- Installing plexiglass barriers at reception areas.
- Providing staff members with appropriate PPE. Screening staff for COVID like symptoms prior to the start of the workday and requiring symptomatic staff to stay home.
Additionally, please keep in mind:
- Arrive to your appointment on time. You may be asked to remain outside if you are too early and you may be asked to reschedule if you are late.
- We request that you come unaccompanied to appointments unless medically necessary. Any visitors will also be prescreened.
- We ask all patients to maintain 6 feet social distancing from all other individuals.
- We are minimizing patient wait time in the common areas and bringing patients to exam rooms as soon as possible.
And for your convenience or if you are sick, we continue to offer telemedicine appointments.
Important Information on COVID-19 Testing & Vaccinations
COVID-19 Testing

NY Family Docs is no longer offering COVID-19 testing at any of its locations. However, if you are experiencing any COVID symptoms or believe you may have been in contact with someone infected, please find your nearest testing center.
To find a COVID-19 testing site, please see NY’s Test Site Finder at: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/find-test-site-near-you
COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Important Information About COVID-19 Vaccines
NY Family Docs would like to keep you informed of the status of the availability of COVID-19 vaccines. At this time, we do not have vaccines available in our office, however, the vaccine is available at several sites throughout the New York City area. New sites and those that are eligible for the vaccine are changing daily.
Below we’ve provided some COVID-19 vaccine information for you.
What New Yorkers Need to Know About Vaccines (English)
Lo que los neoyorquinos necesitan saber sobre las vacunas contra el COVID-19
Información importante sobre las vacunas COVID-19
NY Family Docs le gustaría mantenerle informado del estado de la disponibilidad de las vacunas COVID-19. En este momento, no tenemos las vacunas disponibles en nuestra oficina y no sabemos cuándo podemos esperarlas o en qué cantidad. Sin embargo, la vacuna está disponible en varios sitios en toda el área de la ciudad de Nueva York. Los nuevos sitios y los que son elegibles para la vacuna están cambiando diariamente.
La mejor manera de mantenerse informado es visitar:
https://vaccinefinder.nyc.gov/ o llame al (833) 697-4829 (abierto 7am – 10pm, 7 días/semana)
El sitio web y el número de teléfono son operados por NYC, y enumera los sitios y los números de teléfono de contacto para programar una cita cuando cumpla con los criterios de elegibilidad vigentes en ese momento.
Si tiene preguntas sobre la vacuna, no dude en discutirla con su proveedor en su próxima visita con NY Family Docs. Le informaremos cuando la vacuna esté disponible en nuestras oficinas.
Por favor, continúe usando una máscara facial y practique el distanciamiento social para evitar COVID-19.

What you should know about COVID-19

COVID-19 stands for COrona VIrus Disease 2019 and has caused a global pandemic as well as caused a world health crisis. NY Family Docs would like to share some helpful resources for our patients and their families to understand what to do during this unprecedented time.
- Understand the CDC Guidelines regarding COVID-19
- Find out where COVID-19 Testing is in the US
- Learn what Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19 are